The Agile Within
Providing agile insights into human values and behaviors through genuine connections.
Podcasting since 2020 • 98 episodes
The Agile Within
Latest Episodes
Why the Time for Investing in Shared Learning is NOW! with Victoria Morgan-Smith
Unlock the secrets to thriving in the AI era with the help of Victoria Morgan-Smith, a respected organizational coach and consultant. She joins me to unravel the transformative power of shared learning in today's dynamic work environments. Disc...
Episode 98
How Vertical Facilitation Transformed a Reluctant Agile Coach with Amy Lane
Unlock the secrets of vertical facilitation with Agile Coach, Trainer, and Transformation Strategist, Amy Lane, who shares her transformative journey from a hesitant coach to a proponent of this innovative approach. Discover how vertical facili...
Episode 97
Building Agile Communities of Practice that Last with Alina Thapliyal
What does it truly take to build a thriving Agile community? Scrum Master Alina Thapliayl from Arbergen, Germany, joins us to share her unique perspective. In our engaging conversation, Alina outlines the persistence and adaptability re...
Episode 96
You're Not Going to Think Your Way Into a Wave with Stephanie Ockerman
Discover how the vast, unpredictable ocean can teach us about agility and leadership as I sit down with Stephanie Ockerman, a renowned business agility and leadership coach. Stephanie takes us on her unique journey of blending surfing with agil...
Episode 95